Become a certified Metabolic Balance® Coach :
Nutritional Therapists, other recognized therapeutic practitioners and entrepreneurs who are interested in incorporating a successful adjunct to their practice will find that holding a coaching certificate as a Metabolic Balance® coach is a rewarding and fulfilling experience. This certification will also be an invaluable asset in your career and business.
The Online Course :
The online course has 16 lessons. Each lesson contains a video (approximately 45 minutes long), a reading portion, and an examination. The video component is by Dr. Wolf Funfack, the founder of Metabolic Balance. You must pass the examination in order to release the next lesson.
There is also a mid-term examination after the 8th lesson and a final exam at the end.

Topics covered in the curriculum:
- The principles behind Metabolic Balance program®
- Overweight, obesity and the medical consequences
- What is metabolism and its pathways?
- Energy metabolism
- Protein metabolism
- Cholesterol
- Blood sugar regulation
- The results of the Metabolic Balance program®
- Diabetes
- Metabolic Syndrome and its medical consequences
- The four phases of the Metabolic Balance program®
In the Course you will learn the practical applications for developing and implementing individualized nutrition plans through the processes and standards of Metabolic Balance®. In the seminar, you will also learn how to gather the medical data needed for developing the participant’s nutrition plan as well as how to work one-on-one or in a group setting.
Additional Information
A large study has been completed by a team of scientists in Germany on subjects participating in the Metabolic Balance® program; the results are released in The Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism.